
5 Strategies to Retain Your Star Employees

Hiring is hard work in today’s competitive environment. When it comes to building a strong team, it’s not only more difficult than ever but also more important. This makes retention key. Holding on to your top performers is vital not only to the company’s success but also to its survival.

So how can you improve your retention efforts, even during demanding times like these, and keep your best people? Here are a few strategies to put to use:

#1: Create a great corporate culture.

Where do you even begin? By talking with your employees. Find out what you can do to improve their job satisfaction and also what challenges they are facing in their roles. Connect with them on a regular basis, and don’t forget about your employees who work remotely.

If someone has a reasonable request, work hard to make it happen. You’re more likely to retain loyal, hardworking team members when you do.

#2: Offer opportunities to get ahead.

Another way to keep your best people is to offer a clear pathway for advancement. When you have programs like internal promotions and mentoring, many employees will stick with you to get ahead.

Another way to take advantage of smart workers is through succession planning. Help your people see how they can make a big difference in the future of the company and reach their career goals.

#3: Explain the impact.

When your employees understand the impact they have on your company, as well as its customers, they will be more engaged and motivated. So make sure everyone is clear not only about their goals and your expectations but also about the impact they are making on others, the team, the company overall, customers, and the community where you work.

#4: Be flexible with work schedules.

Not every company is set up in a way where remote jobs make sense. However, if employees can work remotely, even on a hybrid schedule, let them. Flexibility is vital to retaining your key staff members. Today’s professionals want more flexible options at work. So offer them wherever you can!

#5: Make compensation competitive.

To do this, you’ll need to review packages regularly to ensure they are in line with – and perhaps even more than – what competitors are offering. When employees have generous compensation with room for bonuses and pay increases, they have a greater stake in the company.

Get help with recruiting and retaining.

At PrideStaff, we offer expert recruiters across Tempe and Phoenix who can help your company with all your staffing challenges and needs, from hiring to onboarding, training, and retaining your people. To get started, simply contact our team today!
