
Don’t Forget to Follow Up After the Interview. Here’s How.

There are plenty of job openings, yet competition is still fierce. One way to stand out is with a follow up email or note after the interview. This can often serve as a way to remind the hiring manager why you’re the best fit and also communicate any key details about your background you didn’t mention during the interview. If the position is up for grabs – between you and another candidate – following up can even make or break whether you get the offer.

To help you follow up properly, here are some tips to follow.

Follow up promptly.

Don’t wait to follow up. Aim for sending an email or note within 24-48 hours of the interview, when you’re still fresh in the mind of the hiring manager.

Keep it short.

Write a concise email or note. Mention one specific aspect of the interview to highlight, such as a mutual acquaintance, skill that is key to the role, or fact you found interesting about the company. In addition, convey your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Here’s an example:

Dear [manager],

Thank you so much for your time yesterday. I enjoyed our conversation and was interested to learn that the ABC Company was the first company to [interesting fact here]. I think my background in the industry and extensive experience with XYZ [insert trait or skill here] will make me an excellent fit for the job. It’s certainly an exciting opportunity and I look forward to hearing more about it.

Continue your job search.

While this part of the process is nerve-wracking, focus your energy back onto your job search once you’ve sent your follow up note or email. Continue networking and looking for new opportunity while you wait to hear back.

Follow up again.

If you don’t hear back from the hiring manager by the date they said they were going to make a decision, follow up again. Within a week, send another email inquiring about the position and progress. Ask when to expect a decision about the job.

Keep it professional and positive.

If you still don’t hear back or you find out you didn’t get the job, don’t get angry or send an aggressive email to the hiring manager. Take the high road and move onto other possibilities.

Get expert help.

If you’d like to take an easier way to get a new job, let PrideStaff help. As a leading employment agency in Tempe, we can connect you with rewarding opportunities that are a fit for you. Ready to get started? Simply contact us or search our jobs now.
