When you think of the term “Millennial,” what comes to mind? Lazy, entitled, arrogant? As one of the leading staffing agencies in Tempe, PrideStaff knows these are the pervasive stereotypes surrounding this group of young workers.
But considering that Millennials became the largest generation in the workplace in 2015 – and will continue to increase in the coming years, it’s important for employers to have a better understanding of who they really are and how to help them thrive.
To that end, here are 4 myths about Millennials you shouldn’t buy into when you’re hiring:
Myth #1: Millennials are a whole new breed of workers.
Actually, Millennials aren’t that much different from Gen X-ers and Baby Boomers, according to a recent study by the IBM Institute for Business Value. The study shows that all three generations have similar needs, attitudes and career aspirations. Generations across the board want financial security, to be inspired by leadership, have clear strategies and goals in place, and be recognized for good performance.
Myth #2: Millennials only want to communicate via apps or on their phone.
Sure, Millennials like texting – just as much as other generations do. However, according to a survey conducted by Bentley University called “Millennial Mind Goes to Work,” more than half of the Millennial respondents would rather communicate with a colleague in person. Only 14% chose texting as their preferred method of communicating.
Myth #3: Millennials are job hoppers.
Actually, it’s Gen Y workers who gained a reputation for job hopping. However, according to the Bentley University survey, 80% of Millennials stated they believed they’d work for four or fewer companies during their careers.
Myth #4: Millennials put a premium on work-life flexibility.
This one is actually true – but they’re not the only ones. According to a PwC NextGen study, employees across all generations said they would be willing to forego some pay and delay promotions for a more flexible work schedule and a reduction of hours.
It seems that creating a healthy culture where every generation can thrive is easier than most employers think. Studies across the board confirm that Millennials want many of the same things as previous generations – rewarding jobs, fair pay, work-life balance, and a strong leadership.
Do you need help recruiting a new generation of workers for your company?
Call the experts at PrideStaff. As one of the leading staffing agencies in Tempe, we can assist you with every aspect of hiring – from screening and hiring great candidates to training and retaining them. Contact PrideStaff today to learn more about how we can help you.